date/time : 2017-03-31, 14:48:32, 85ms computer name : PROONE user name : HP registered owner : HP / Hewlett-Packard Company operating system : Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 build 7601 system language : Slovak system up time : 1 day 6 hours program up time : 3 hours 34 minutes processors : 2x Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3220T @ 2.60GHz physical memory : 1269/4023 MB (free/total) free disk space : (C:) 392,43 GB display mode : 1600x900, 32 bit process id : $1850 allocated memory : 206,23 MB executable : FormStudio.exe exec. date/time : 2015-04-21 13:38 version : compiled with : Delphi 2006/07 madExcept version : 4.0.5 contact name : Sandtnerová Mária contact email : callstack crc : $7fefce67, $82c7984e, $1267fdee exception number : 2 exception class : EFOpenError exception message : Cannot open file "C:\Users\HP\Desktop\WINGS - POZNÁMKY 2016.flt". Systém nemôže nájsť zadaný súbor. Main ($10bc): 0048e532 +011e FormStudio.exe Classes TFileStream.Create 0048e3f0 +0020 FormStudio.exe Classes TFileStream.Create 007b0fbe +0012 FormStudio.exe cxFilterControl TcxCustomFilterControl.LoadFromFile 0081d5d6 +004e FormStudio.exe cxFilterControlDialog TfmFilterControlDialog.acOpenExecute 00541604 +0064 FormStudio.exe Controls TControl.Click 005024aa +001e FormStudio.exe StdCtrls TButton.Click 007a3e6d +006d FormStudio.exe cxButtons TcxCustomButton.Click 005025a8 +000c FormStudio.exe StdCtrls TButton.CNCommand 007a4501 +002d FormStudio.exe cxButtons TcxCustomButton.CNCommand 005410ff +02bb FormStudio.exe Controls TControl.WndProc 0054527f +04fb FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc 00502354 +006c FormStudio.exe StdCtrls TButtonControl.WndProc 007a4478 +0078 FormStudio.exe cxButtons TcxCustomButton.WndProc 00540d8c +0024 FormStudio.exe Controls TControl.Perform 005453cf +0023 FormStudio.exe Controls DoControlMsg 00545e27 +000b FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.WMCommand 005410ff +02bb FormStudio.exe Controls TControl.WndProc 0054527f +04fb FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc 006c7b7b +0007 FormStudio.exe cxControls TcxWindowProcLinkedObject.DefaultProc 01939525 +0009 FormStudio.exe dxSkinsForm TdxSkinWinController.DefWndProc 01939562 +0002 FormStudio.exe dxSkinsForm TdxSkinWinController.WndProc 0193d8f0 +0040 FormStudio.exe dxSkinsForm TdxSkinCustomControlController.WndProc 0193e79e +0042 FormStudio.exe dxSkinsForm TdxSkinPanelController.WndProc 006c7dff +0007 FormStudio.exe cxControls TcxWindowProcLinkedObjectList.WndProc 005449a8 +002c FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc 00498f8c +0014 FormStudio.exe Classes StdWndProc 777d0117 +002b ntdll.dll KiUserCallbackDispatcher 770996c0 +0047 USER32.dll SendMessageW 770a8535 +0016 USER32.dll CallWindowProcA 0054537b +00d7 FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.DefaultHandler 00541a24 +0010 FormStudio.exe Controls TControl.WMLButtonUp 005410ff +02bb FormStudio.exe Controls TControl.WndProc 0054527f +04fb FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc 00502354 +006c FormStudio.exe StdCtrls TButtonControl.WndProc 007a4478 +0078 FormStudio.exe cxButtons TcxCustomButton.WndProc 005449a8 +002c FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc 00498f8c +0014 FormStudio.exe Classes StdWndProc 77097bc5 +000a USER32.dll DispatchMessageA 00563860 +00fc FormStudio.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage 0056389a +000a FormStudio.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage 0055f903 +0187 FormStudio.exe Forms TCustomForm.ShowModal 0081cfd2 +014e FormStudio.exe cxFilterControlDialog cxInternalExecuteFilterControlDialog 0081d072 +002e FormStudio.exe cxFilterControlDialog ExecuteFilterControlDialog 00852355 +00b9 FormStudio.exe cxGridCustomTableView TcxCustomGridTableFiltering.RunCustomizeDialog 008fcaf7 +001f FormStudio.exe cxGridTableView TcxGridTableFiltering.RunCustomizeDialog 00854cdf +001b FormStudio.exe cxGridCustomTableView TcxGridFilterCustomizeButtonViewInfo.Click 0082dc0d +0039 FormStudio.exe cxGridCustomView TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.MouseUp 00854941 +0029 FormStudio.exe cxGridCustomTableView TcxCustomGridFilterButtonViewInfo.MouseUp 0082a60f +003f FormStudio.exe cxGridCustomView TcxCustomGridController.MouseUp 00848641 +0021 FormStudio.exe cxGridCustomTableView TcxCustomGridTableController.MouseUp 008f2772 +0032 FormStudio.exe cxGridTableView TcxGridTableController.MouseUp 0091a27a +0032 FormStudio.exe cxGridBandedTableView TcxGridBandedTableController.MouseUp 0082c35c +00d8 FormStudio.exe cxGridCustomView TcxGridSite.MouseUp 00541a08 +002c FormStudio.exe Controls TControl.DoMouseUp 00541a8a +0076 FormStudio.exe Controls TControl.WMLButtonUp 005410ff +02bb FormStudio.exe Controls TControl.WndProc 0054527f +04fb FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc 006c2039 +014d FormStudio.exe cxControls TcxControl.WndProc 0082c539 +0029 FormStudio.exe cxGridCustomView TcxGridSite.WndProc 005449a8 +002c FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc 00498f8c +0014 FormStudio.exe Classes StdWndProc 77097bc5 +000a USER32.dll DispatchMessageA 00563860 +00fc FormStudio.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage 0056389a +000a FormStudio.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage 0055f903 +0187 FormStudio.exe Forms TCustomForm.ShowModal 019b1545 +0069 FormStudio.exe AdresUtils 754 DoVyberAdresy 016de430 +0038 FormStudio.exe FAPublicUtils 2035 SelKlientAdresy 017a7237 +0087 FormStudio.exe Main 17510 TfaMain.SelectEmail 0179ec33 +00a7 FormStudio.exe Main 15322 TfaMain.ControlAndSendForm 0179ed71 +0011 FormStudio.exe Main 15333 TfaMain.dxBarButtonSendClick 009a0b8a +0032 FormStudio.exe dxBar TdxBarItem.DoClick 009a0b27 +003b FormStudio.exe dxBar TdxBarItem.DirectClick 00985393 +011f FormStudio.exe dxBar TdxBarItemControl.ControlUnclick 00988bcb +0077 FormStudio.exe dxBar TdxBarButtonControl.ControlUnclick 009980e3 +00df FormStudio.exe dxBar TCustomdxBarControl.DoLButtonUp 0098f2e1 +00d1 FormStudio.exe dxBar TdxBarControl.DoLButtonUp 00996b68 +0028 FormStudio.exe dxBar TCustomdxBarControl.WMLButtonUp 009a39d9 +002d FormStudio.exe dxBar TdxBarDockedControl.WMLButtonUp 005410ff +02bb FormStudio.exe Controls TControl.WndProc 0054527f +04fb FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.WndProc 0099764f +01bb FormStudio.exe dxBar TCustomdxBarControl.WndProc 00990dbf +0147 FormStudio.exe dxBar TdxBarControl.WndProc 005449a8 +002c FormStudio.exe Controls TWinControl.MainWndProc 00498f8c +0014 FormStudio.exe Classes StdWndProc 77097bc5 +000a USER32.dll DispatchMessageA 00563860 +00fc FormStudio.exe Forms TApplication.ProcessMessage 0056389a +000a FormStudio.exe Forms TApplication.HandleMessage 00563b8f +00b3 FormStudio.exe Forms TApplication.Run 01a253be +1112 FormStudio.exe FormStudioFull 644 initialization 76093368 +0010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $1590: 777e0166 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects 75d71714 +fa KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 760919f7 +89 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 760941d3 +13 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects 0058250a +8a FormStudio.exe nxllMemoryManagerImpl 458 CleanupThreadProc 00464321 +0d FormStudio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe 0046438b +37 FormStudio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk >> created by Main ($10bc) at: 005826c7 +23 FormStudio.exe nxllMemoryManagerImpl 567 StartCleanupThread thread $1164: 777e0166 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects 75d71714 +fa KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 760919f7 +89 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 760941d3 +13 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects 00464321 +0d FormStudio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe 0046438b +37 FormStudio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk >> created by Main ($10bc) at: 58a91a28 +00 msiltcfg.dll thread $93c: 777e0166 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $de8: 777e0166 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects 75d71714 +fa KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 760919f7 +89 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 00464321 +0d FormStudio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe 0046438b +37 FormStudio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk >> created by Main ($10bc) at: 7266f275 +62 MSVCR110.dll _beginthreadex thread $1004: 777e0166 +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects 75d71714 +fa KERNELBASE.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 760919f7 +89 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 00464321 +0d FormStudio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe 0046438b +37 FormStudio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk >> created by Main ($10bc) at: 7266f275 +62 MSVCR110.dll _beginthreadex thread $c30: 77097c18 +45 USER32.dll GetMessageA 00464321 +0d FormStudio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe 0046438b +37 FormStudio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk >> created by Main ($10bc) at: 74276c8b +00 winmm.dll thread $1794 (TnxSimpleTimerThread): 777df8da +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject 75d715c8 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx 7609118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx 76091143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject 005881f0 +0c FormStudio.exe nxllSync 233 TnxEvent.WaitForQuietly 005c83b8 +18 FormStudio.exe nxllThread 909 TnxTimerThread.InnerExecute 005c8150 +90 FormStudio.exe nxllThread 647 TnxInternalInitThread.DoExecute 005c7f9d +25 FormStudio.exe nxllThread 482 TnxThread.Execute 0046443f +2b FormStudio.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute 004970e0 +34 FormStudio.exe Classes ThreadProc 00406a10 +28 FormStudio.exe System 32 ThreadWrapper 00464321 +0d FormStudio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe 0046438b +37 FormStudio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk >> created by Main ($10bc) at: 005c7edd +45 FormStudio.exe nxllThread 407 TnxThread.Create thread $1bcc: 777df8da +0e ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject 75d715c8 +92 KERNELBASE.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx 7609118f +3e kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx 76091143 +0d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject 00464321 +0d FormStudio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe 0046438b +37 FormStudio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk >> created by Main ($10bc) at: 71b74c95 +00 winspool.drv thread $1fc: 77097908 +26 USER32.dll GetMessageW 00464321 +0d FormStudio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe 0046438b +37 FormStudio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk >> created by thread $12c4 at: 7602450f +00 SHLWAPI.dll thread $1f60: 777e1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $1474: 777e1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $d8c: 777e1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $908: 777dfd9a +0e ntdll.dll NtDelayExecution 75d73d36 +5f KERNELBASE.dll SleepEx 75d74607 +0a KERNELBASE.dll Sleep 00464321 +0d FormStudio.exe madExcept CallThreadProcSafe 0046438b +37 FormStudio.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk >> created by thread $d8c at: 7697da5e +00 ole32.dll thread $219c: 777e1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $2184: 777e1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $22dc: 777e1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $1534: 777e1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $116c: 777e1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $232c: 777e1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk thread $1a74: 777e1f4f +0b ntdll.dll NtWaitForWorkViaWorkerFactory 76093368 +10 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk modules: 00400000 FormStudio.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\KASTNER software\FORM studio SK 088f0000 ssleay32.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\KASTNER software\FORM studio SK 08960000 LIBEAY32.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\KASTNER software\FORM studio SK 10000000 FPDFVIEW.DLL C:\Program Files (x86)\KASTNER software\FORM studio SK 507a0000 DpFbview.dll c:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP ProtectTools Security Manager\Bin 51360000 ieframe.DLL 11.0.9600.18616 C:\Windows\system32 52ea0000 NetworkExplorer.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 53090000 mssprxy.dll 7.0.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 530a0000 EhStorAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 530d0000 PortableDeviceTypes.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 53100000 PortableDeviceApi.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 531e0000 SearchFolder.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 53280000 actxprxy.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\SysWOW64 532d0000 StructuredQuery.dll 7.0.7601.23451 C:\Windows\System32 53fd0000 SHDOCVW.dll 6.1.7601.18222 C:\Windows\system32 54000000 msls31.dll 3.10.349.0 C:\Windows\system32 54040000 tiptsf.dll 6.1.7601.18984 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink 54240000 thumbcache.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\SysWOW64 567f0000 Msftedit.DLL C:\Windows\system32 57890000 RICHED20.dll C:\Windows\system32 57a60000 tbblw.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Trust Circles 57e40000 samcli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 57f80000 HHCtrl.OCX 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 582e0000 FaultRep.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 58840000 ieproxy.dll 11.0.9600.18616 C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer 58890000 EhStorShell.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 589a0000 tbicon.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP Trust Circles 58a90000 msiltcfg.dll 5.0.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 58aa0000 ntshrui.dll 6.1.7601.17755 C:\Windows\system32 58b10000 DUI70.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 58bd0000 DUser.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 58c30000 LINKINFO.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 58cc0000 explorerframe.dll 6.1.7601.23537 C:\Windows\system32 5a250000 wsock32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 5a260000 DpoFeedb.dll c:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP ProtectTools Security Manager\Bin 5a4f0000 DpoSet.dll c:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP ProtectTools Security Manager\Bin 5a9f0000 DPCLBACK.dll C:\Windows\system32 5aa90000 npmproxy.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32 5ad30000 SAMLIB.dll 6.1.7601.23390 C:\Windows\system32 5ae70000 wshbth.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 5ae80000 winrnr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32 5ae90000 pnrpnsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 5aeb0000 napinsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 5b420000 XmlLite.dll 1.3.1001.0 C:\Windows\system32 5b490000 api-ms-win-downlevel-shell32-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 C:\Windows\system32 5b4f0000 msxml3.dll 8.110.7601.23648 C:\Windows\System32 5c040000 davclnt.dll 6.1.7601.23542 C:\Windows\System32 5c060000 ntlanman.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\System32 5cd50000 BtMmHook.dll c:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\SysWOW64 5cd90000 slc.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 5d150000 mpr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 66f00000 DAVHLPR.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32 66f10000 drprov.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32 66f20000 RICHED32.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 6d2d0000 SXS.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 6df90000 apphelp.dll 6.1.7601.19050 C:\Windows\system32 6e1a0000 fwpuclnt.dll 6.1.7601.18283 C:\Windows\System32 6e1e0000 mdnsNSP.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour 6e210000 netprofm.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32 6e270000 gdiplus.dll 6.1.7601.23688 C:\Windows\WinSxS\ 6e410000 wshtcpip.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32 6e440000 dhcpcsvc.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 6e460000 mswsock.dll 6.1.7601.23451 C:\Windows\System32 6e4b0000 rasadhlp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 6e4c0000 NLAapi.dll 6.1.7601.18685 C:\Windows\system32 6e4d0000 DNSAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17570 C:\Windows\system32 6e520000 api-ms-win-downlevel-shlwapi-l2-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 C:\Windows\system32 6e540000 PROPSYS.dll 7.0.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 6e640000 msi.dll 5.0.7601.23593 C:\Windows\system32 6eb00000 RpcRtRemote.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 6f980000 mapi32.dll 1.0.2536.0 C:\Windows\system32 6faa0000 WindowsCodecs.dll 6.2.9200.21830 C:\Windows\system32 6fc00000 dhcpcsvc6.DLL 6.1.7601.17970 C:\Windows\system32 6fc30000 WINSTA.dll 6.1.7601.18540 C:\Windows\System32 6fc60000 ntmarta.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 6fc90000 wship6.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\System32 6fca0000 IconCodecService.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 6fcb0000 api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l2-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 C:\Windows\system32 6fe80000 rsaenh.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 71b60000 winspool.drv 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 71bc0000 olepro32.dll 6.1.7601.23452 C:\Windows\system32 71be0000 msimg32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 71c00000 MSVCR90.dll 9.0.30729.6161 C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57 72400000 uxtheme.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 72480000 comctl32.dll 6.10.7601.18837 C:\Windows\WinSxS\ 72620000 version.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 72640000 MSVCR110.dll 11.0.51106.1 C:\Windows\system32 72720000 MSVCP110.dll 11.0.51106.1 C:\Windows\system32 727b0000 Secur32.dll 6.1.7601.23677 C:\Windows\system32 73490000 CRYPTSP.dll 6.1.7601.23471 C:\Windows\system32 734b0000 bcrypt.dll 6.1.7601.23677 C:\Windows\System32 73b50000 mfc110u.dll 11.0.60610.1 C:\Windows\system32 73fa0000 cscapi.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 73fb0000 dwmapi.dll 6.1.7601.18917 C:\Windows\system32 741b0000 wkscli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 741c0000 srvcli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 741e0000 netutils.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 741f0000 NETAPI32.dll 6.1.7601.17887 C:\Windows\system32 74270000 winmm.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 74580000 WINNSI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 74590000 Iphlpapi.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\system32 747a0000 SHFOLDER.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\system32 747b0000 oleacc.dll C:\Windows\system32 75050000 CRYPTBASE.dll 6.1.7601.23677 C:\Windows\syswow64 75060000 SspiCli.dll 6.1.7601.23677 C:\Windows\syswow64 750c0000 sechost.dll 6.1.7601.18869 C:\Windows\SysWOW64 750e0000 DEVOBJ.dll 6.1.7601.17621 C:\Windows\syswow64 75100000 shell32.dll 6.1.7601.23537 C:\Windows\syswow64 75d50000 LPK.dll 6.1.7601.23587 C:\Windows\syswow64 75d60000 KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7601.23677 C:\Windows\syswow64 75db0000 SETUPAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\syswow64 75f50000 USERENV.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\syswow64 75f70000 api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 C:\Windows\syswow64 75fe0000 WINTRUST.dll 6.1.7601.23566 C:\Windows\syswow64 76010000 SHLWAPI.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\syswow64 76070000 api-ms-win-downlevel-shlwapi-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 C:\Windows\syswow64 76080000 kernel32.dll 6.1.7601.23677 C:\Windows\syswow64 76190000 api-ms-win-downlevel-ole32-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 C:\Windows\syswow64 761a0000 urlmon.dll 11.0.9600.18616 C:\Windows\syswow64 762f0000 crypt32.dll 6.1.7601.23566 C:\Windows\syswow64 76420000 comdlg32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\syswow64 764a0000 oleaut32.dll 6.1.7601.23569 C:\Windows\syswow64 76540000 USP10.dll 1.626.7601.23688 C:\Windows\syswow64 765e0000 iertutil.dll 11.0.9600.18616 C:\Windows\syswow64 76820000 WLDAP32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\syswow64 76870000 api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 C:\Windows\syswow64 76880000 GDI32.dll 6.1.7601.23688 C:\Windows\syswow64 76910000 api-ms-win-downlevel-normaliz-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 C:\Windows\syswow64 76920000 CFGMGR32.dll 6.1.7601.17621 C:\Windows\syswow64 76950000 ole32.dll 6.1.7601.23392 C:\Windows\syswow64 76ab0000 IMAGEHLP.DLL 6.1.7601.18288 C:\Windows\syswow64 76ae0000 PSAPI.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64 76af0000 ADVAPI32.dll 6.1.7601.23677 C:\Windows\syswow64 76ba0000 CLBCatQ.DLL 2001.12.8530.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64 76c30000 NSI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64 76c40000 profapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64 76ce0000 wininet.dll 11.0.9600.18616 C:\Windows\syswow64 76f90000 RPCRT4.dll 6.1.7601.23677 C:\Windows\syswow64 77080000 USER32.dll 6.1.7601.23594 C:\Windows\syswow64 77180000 MSASN1.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\syswow64 77190000 WS2_32.dll 6.1.7601.23451 C:\Windows\syswow64 771d0000 normaliz.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 C:\Windows\syswow64 771e0000 MSCTF.dll 6.1.7601.23572 C:\Windows\syswow64 772b0000 imm32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 C:\Windows\syswow64 77310000 msvcrt.dll 7.0.7601.17744 C:\Windows\syswow64 77790000 api-ms-win-downlevel-version-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 C:\Windows\syswow64 777c0000 ntdll.dll 6.1.7601.23677 C:\Windows\SysWOW64 processes: 0000 Idle 0 0 0 0004 System 0 0 0 0164 smss.exe 0 0 0 0234 csrss.exe 0 0 0 0288 wininit.exe 0 0 0 029c csrss.exe 1 0 0 02bc services.exe 0 0 0 02d4 lsass.exe 0 0 0 02dc lsm.exe 0 0 0 0360 svchost.exe 0 0 0 03a0 svchost.exe 0 0 0 03e0 MsMpEng.exe 0 0 0 03f0 winlogon.exe 1 0 0 0218 DpHostW.exe 0 0 0 02d8 svchost.exe 0 0 0 0404 svchost.exe 0 0 0 0434 svchost.exe 0 0 0 0450 svchost.exe 0 0 0 04a8 svchost.exe 0 0 0 0524 RTKAUDIOSERVICE64.EXE 0 0 0 053c RAVBg64.exe 1 0 0 0544 RAVBg64.exe 1 0 0 0568 svchost.exe 0 0 0 059c DpCardEngine.exe 0 0 0 0690 DPAgent.exe 1 63 32 normal c:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP ProtectTools Security Manager\Bin 06a8 explorer.exe 1 517 393 normal 06f0 wlanext.exe 0 0 0 06f8 conhost.exe 0 0 0 075c dwm.exe 1 20 2 high 0790 spoolsv.exe 0 0 0 07b8 taskhost.exe 1 26 21 normal 0474 svchost.exe 0 0 0 0600 armsvc.exe 0 0 0 087c igfxtray.exe 1 12 5 normal 0894 hkcmd.exe 1 9 17 normal 089c igfxsrvc.exe 1 9 3 normal 08b4 igfxpers.exe 1 9 4 normal 08bc RtkNGUI64.exe 1 23 31 normal 0900 msseces.exe 1 143 60 normal 0910 BingSvc.exe 1 9 1 normal C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Microsoft\BingSvc 0988 Skype.exe 1 242 121 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone 09a8 sidebar.exe 1 30 29 normal 09ec BTTray.exe 1 95 17 normal 0a0c SSScheduler.exe 1 4 1 normal 0aac CNAB4RPD.EXE 0 0 0 0afc mDNSResponder.exe 0 0 0 0b14 btwdins.exe 0 0 0 0b4c CreoSvc.exe 0 0 0 0bd0 CtService.exe 0 0 0 0980 iusb3mon.exe 1 18 8 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver\Application 0a14 CLMLSvc_P2G8.exe 1 15 8 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\Power2Go8 021c YCMMirage.exe 1 15 8 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\YouCam 0240 CORESHREDDER.exe 1 60 11 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\File Sanitizer 0a7c OBERON Center.exe 1 55 42 normal C:\OBERON\SHARE\SYSTEM 0b68 jusched.exe 1 9 2 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update 0c48 CLMSMonitorServicePDVD12.exe 0 0 0 0c94 svchost.exe 0 0 0 0cbc DTuneSrvc.exe 0 0 0 0cd0 svchost.exe 0 0 0 0d44 OSDManager.exe 1 9 5 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP My Display 0d50 DTune.EXE 1 44 30 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\HP My Display 0ea8 HeciServer.exe 0 0 0 0edc RunDll32.exe 1 15 6 normal C:\Windows\SysWOW64 0f30 pdfsvc.exe 0 0 0 0f7c svchost.exe 0 0 0 068c BTStackServer.exe 1 43 10 normal 0f58 TeamViewer_Service.exe 0 0 0 0754 HP.ProtectTools.DeviceAccessManager.ServiceHost.exe 0 0 0 10a8 DpAgent.exe 1 4 3 normal 10c4 Bluetooth Headset Helper.exe 1 32 5 normal c:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software 11fc NisSrv.exe 0 0 0 1278 SearchIndexer.exe 0 0 0 1358 svchost.exe 0 0 0 1334 WUDFHost.exe 0 0 0 14b4 SDKCOMServer.exe 1 9 3 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Portrait Displays\Drivers 1660 pdiSDKHelperx64.exe 1 10 9 normal 1780 igfxext.exe 1 9 4 normal 17cc WmiPrvSE.exe 0 0 0 1234 DTHelper.exe 1 0 0 12b4 HPSA_Service.exe 0 0 0 13a4 IntelMeFWService.exe 0 0 0 0350 jhi_service.exe 0 0 0 0444 LMS.exe 0 0 0 04ec wmpnetwk.exe 0 0 0 1620 jucheck.exe 1 12 6 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update 08dc firefox.exe 1 316 131 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 0fd8 firefox.exe 1 17 34 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 15ac OBERON.exe 1 234 165 normal C:\OBERON\SHARE\SYSTEM 1250 splwow64.exe 1 9 9 normal 1858 fibu.exe 1 34 17 normal C:\WINGS\Komplet\WINGS, s.r.o 1360 pdfvista.exe 1 311 174 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF Complete 1050 map.exe 1 164 106 normal C:\OBERON\Mzdy 180c pdfvista.exe 1 311 174 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\PDF Complete 1850 FormStudio.exe 1 904 646 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\KASTNER software\FORM studio SK 1f88 CLMSServerPDVD12.exe 0 0 0 1d7c SkypeBrowserHost.exe 1 9 5 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Browser 1bb4 SkypeBrowserHost.exe 1 12 26 normal C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Browser 1180 audiodg.exe 0 0 0 hardware: + Bluetooth Radios - Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter (driver - Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator + Bluetooth Virtual Devices - Bluetooth L2CAP Interface (driver + Computer - ACPI x64-based PC + Disk drives - JetFlash Transcend 4GB USB Device - ST500DM0 ST500DM002-1BD14 SCSI Disk Device - USB DISK 2.0 USB Device + Display adapters - Intel(R) HD Graphics (driver + DVD/CD-ROM drives - hp CDDVDW SN-208FB SCSI CdRom Device + Human Interface Devices - Bluetooth Remote Control (driver - HID-compliant consumer control device - HID-compliant device - USB Input Device - USB Input Device - USB Input Device + IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers - Intel(R) 8 Series/C220 Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller (driver + Imaging devices - HP High Definition 1MP Webcam + Keyboards - HID Keyboard Device + Memory technology driver - Realtek PCIE CardReader (driver 6.2.9600.29072) + Mice and other pointing devices - HID-compliant mouse + Monitors - Generic PnP Monitor + Network adapters - Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) - Bluetooth Device (RFCOMM Protocol TDI) - Broadcom BCM943228HMB 802.11abgn 2x2 Wi-Fi Adapter (driver - Microsoft 6to4 Adapter - Microsoft 6to4 Adapter - Microsoft ISATAP Adapter - Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #2 - Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #3 - Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter - Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller (driver 7.77.1126.2013) - WAN Miniport (IKEv2) - WAN Miniport (IP) - WAN Miniport (IPv6) - WAN Miniport (L2TP) - WAN Miniport (Network Monitor) - WAN Miniport (PPPOE) - WAN Miniport (PPTP) - WAN Miniport (SSTP) + Portable Devices - OBERON - USB2 + Ports (COM & LPT) - Communications Port (COM1) + Printers - Canon LBP2900 (driver + Processors - Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3220T @ 2.60GHz - Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3220T @ 2.60GHz + Sound, video and game controllers - Bluetooth Hands-free Audio (driver - Intel(R) Zvuk pre obrazovky (driver - Realtek High Definition Audio (driver + Storage volume shadow copies - Generic volume shadow copy - Generic volume shadow copy - Generic volume shadow copy - Generic volume shadow copy - Generic volume shadow copy - Generic volume shadow copy + System devices - ACPI Fan - ACPI Fan - ACPI Fixed Feature Button - ACPI Power Button - ACPI Thermal Zone - ACPI Thermal Zone - Composite Bus Enumerator - Direct memory access controller - File as Volume Driver - High Definition Audio Controller - High Definition Audio Controller - High precision event timer - Intel(R) 8 Series/C220 Series PCI Express Root Port #1 - 8C10 (driver - Intel(R) 8 Series/C220 Series PCI Express Root Port #3 - 8C14 (driver - Intel(R) 8 Series/C220 Series PCI Express Root Port #4 - 8C16 (driver - Intel(R) 8 Series/C220 Series PCI Express Root Port #5 - 8C18 (driver - Intel(R) 8 Series/C220 Series SMBus Controller - 8C22 (driver - Intel(R) 82802 Firmware Hub Device - Intel(R) H81 LPC Controller - 8C5C (driver - Intel(R) Management Engine Interface - Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System - Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver - Microsoft Virtual Drive Enumerator Driver - Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI - Motherboard resources - Motherboard resources - Motherboard resources - Motherboard resources - Motherboard resources - Numeric data processor - PCI standard host CPU bridge - PCI zbernica (driver - Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator - Programmable interrupt controller - Remote Desktop Device Redirector Bus - System board - System CMOS/real time clock - System timer - Terminal Server Keyboard Driver - Terminal Server Mouse Driver - UMBus Enumerator - UMBus Enumerator - UMBus Root Bus Enumerator - Volume Manager + Universal Serial Bus controllers - Generic USB Hub - Generic USB Hub - Hostiteľský radič Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible (driver - Intel(R) 8 Series/C220 Series USB EHCI #1 - 8C26 (driver - Intel(R) 8 Series/C220 Series USB EHCI #2 - 8C2D (driver - Koreňový rozbočovač Intel(R) USB 3.0 (driver - USB Composite Device - USB Composite Device - USB Mass Storage Device - USB Mass Storage Device - USB Printing Support - USB Root Hub - USB Root Hub cpu registers: eax = 10e763d0 ebx = 10af56c0 ecx = 00000000 edx = 0048e537 esi = 10e908b8 edi = 00000000 eip = 0048e537 esp = 0018e5fc ebp = 0018e668 stack dump: 0018e5fc 37 e5 48 00 de fa ed 0e - 01 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 7.H............. 0018e60c 10 e6 18 00 37 e5 48 00 - d0 63 e7 10 c0 56 af 10 ....7.H..c...V.. 0018e61c b8 08 e9 10 00 00 00 00 - 68 e6 18 00 2c e6 18 00 ........h...,... 0018e62c 78 e6 18 00 ac 62 40 00 - 68 e6 18 00 8c e8 18 00 x....b@.h....... 0018e63c c0 56 af 10 01 08 e9 10 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .V.............. 0018e64c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 78 02 e9 10 0b 70 48 00 ........x....pH. 0018e65c 08 6c 2a 10 0b d5 fe 0d - c6 5d 40 00 90 e6 18 00 .l*......]@..... 0018e66c f5 e3 48 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 ac e6 18 00 ..H............. 0018e67c 43 64 40 00 90 e6 18 00 - c0 56 af 10 40 81 2f 0e Cd@......V..@./. 0018e68c a0 d5 fe 0d a4 e6 18 00 - c3 0f 7b 00 00 00 00 00 ..........{..... 0018e69c a0 c6 fe 0d 03 00 00 00 - c4 e6 18 00 db d5 81 00 ................ 0018e6ac 68 ea 18 00 ac 62 40 00 - c4 e6 18 00 40 81 2f 0e 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